Tool you gotta have: Crow Feet Wrenches
ed armstrong
edshred2000 at
Fri Mar 1 15:14:33 EST 2002
If I had to choose between open and flare end, I would
choose flare. Since these tools are designed for
accessing tight spaces you want all the grip you can
--- David Conner <conner at> wrote:
> Well, I've found quite a variation in quality. I
> managed to break one of
> the flare wrenches I bought from JC Whitney, and the
> whole set is crap...
> you can watch the flare ears flex under pressure,
> and one just snapped
> right off. But I really like the "S" shaped box end
> wrenches I got from
> them...$10 for a set of five. They aren't the
> greatest quality, but have
> really been handy at times, and haven't broke yet.
> This style is perfect
> for reaching that hidden bolt head for the starter
> motor.
> Their flare crowfoot is about the same price as the
> regular style, but
> usually a flare style costs more. I think the
> manufacture process would be
> inherently more expensive.
> Generally I think the open end type of tool provides
> the least secure grip
> of all, box type is best, and flare is a compromise
> on the box stlye that
> allows it to be used on line fittings. Of course,
> when space is really
> tight, like working on the turbo, etc, a person's
> gotta use what a person's
> gotta use... including custom bent/mangled, or
> whatever is available. And
> as you said earlier, the crowfoot is mainly an
> adaptation for accessing
> tight spaces.
> -------------
> Dave C.
> At 10:44 AM 3/1/02 EST, JShadzi at wrote:
> >The flare wrenches are for hydraulic lines, for
> most fasteners you will want
> >the regular style. Frankly, on a piece like this,
> I can't imagine a set
> from
> >snap on costing say $150, when the same ones from
> JC whitney are only $10.
> >I've been using them for a while, they havn't
> broken in half or anything, I
> >can't imagine how the quality could get better
> really??
> >
> >Javad
> >
> ><<<<<Javad,
> > JC Whitney has two versions of the crowfoot...
> flare and regular. Which do
> > you recommend?
> >
> > JC Whitney's quality may be suspect, but after I
> give these a try I may
> > consider buying the higher priced stuff, maybe
> instead of a set just a
> > couple in the sizes needed.
> > thanks,
> > Dave C.>>>>>>>
> >
> > Javad wrote...
> > >Just had to write a quick note to say that they
> are my favorite tool as of
> > >recently, if you are working on a Audi, esp. a
> turbo one, they are a must
> > >have. They will almost always save you when a
> standard wrench is just a
> > >little off. JC Whitney has a great set for like
> $10.
> >
> >
> > >>
> >
> >
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