A6Q reliability

Wayne Reser wreser at siscom.net
Sat Mar 2 01:15:51 EST 2002

I will point out that Consumer Reports rated the 1996 Eagle Vision a "Best
Buy"; however, in Consumer Reports Used Car Ratings the same people say its
a piece of crap (I agree).  Its hard to understand how the organization can
do a 180 degree turn of opinion like that and still be regarded as credible.
Be very cautious with this kind of information.  Is there some value?  Yes,
but it is only one data point.  Your polling the list was a smart move.
Check with your Audi guy, and ask opinions at some of the more reputable
foreign automotive service shops in your area.  Do it in person when they
are winding business down for the day, not when they have customers lined-up
three deep.  They will be frank and to the point, and you just can't buy
that kind of advice.

87.5 CGT Tornado Red
Hoping for A6 Quattro by summer :-)

> Kent Crossley wrote:
> Hi all!
> I have been away from this list for awhile and really miss
> the quattro bant= er.  I don't know if this an old
> beat-to-death issue or not, but is there a=  consensus out
> there on how reliable the '98/'99 A6q is?  My wife and I wer=
> e considering replacing her much loved '93 90q with a newer
> series A6q when=  I came upon the less than complementary
> assessment of the car in the 2002 = April issue of Consumer
> Reports.  Their data, which I believe is based on r= eader
> surveys, indicates that these things are to be avoided unless
> you som= e how owe a debt of gratitude to the local Audi
> mechanics!  As I consider t= his list be considerably more
> objective than some miffed non-q-heads, can a= nybody
> comment?  We currently have two 200qs and the 90q and have no
> desire=  to spend much, if any, time in the local Audi
> dealer's service bay. Scott = Mockry is my ace Audi guy and I
> would trust him with my life, so I know the= se cars require
> some occasional expert attention.  But I don't want to be b=
> eat up regularly.  Thanks in advance for any input. Regards,
> Kent Crossley

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