Stalling 10 valve 2CTQ Help!

Charlie Smith charlie at
Sat Mar 2 11:55:29 EST 2002

Earlier, Blake Gibb wrote:
> We'll try this again. Thanks everyone who responded to my earlier
> query. I just purchased a 1990 200 Quattro 10 valve, 187,000miles.
> Car has had pretty religous dealer maintenence(for what that's
> worth). When I come to a stop sometimes the car wants to stall,
> normal idle seems to be around 8-900 rpm but occasionally it drops
> down to 300+- and will stall if I don't catch it.

First suspect is the Idle Stabilizer Valve.  Even if the dealer
says they replaced it, this is what the car does when the ISV
isn't working right.

Then, I'd look for air leaks in the intake system.  Most usual place
is the dogleg shaped rubber hose that takes blowby from the crankcase
up to the intake manifold.  This deteriorates, splits (on the back
side), and leaks under light throttle.  This can also lead to a high
idle - but uneven in any event.

    - Charlie

> That heel-toe
> training I got at Bondurant 25 years ago still pays off. Looking at
> earlier list postings I hoped it was the Turbo-Bypass Valve but I
> have since learned that is only on the 20 valve. Any suggestions  for
> the cause of my low idle speed and subsequent stalling would be much
> appreciated. The idle adjuster was replaced about 10 months ago by
> the dealer. One thing I have noticed-the temp guage creeps up about a
> 1/4" (just above the third red line at the beginning of the dial), it
> does not get very warm. I had a non-qauttro 200 about 5 years ago and
> as I recall it ran much warmer. I have only owned it for 3 days and
> love/hate relationsgip is starting all over again. At least I knew
> what I was getting into.
> Thanks in advance for any help.
> Blake Gibb

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