weird boost stuff

jason snider jason_chad at
Sat Mar 2 23:36:19 EST 2002

I've been troubleshooting what I thought was a low boost problem. Replaced
multifunction sensor and throttle switch and both made improvements. After
the throttle switch I could get 1.3 bar pretty consistently. Now,(about 3
mos later) I get 1.2 at really high RPMs (5k). I found a post that said the
gauge should read ~1.0 bar with just the ignition on. Mine reads .8. I live
in the Ohio River Valley of WV, so this should not be due to elevation. Is
the gauge adjustable in any way? I also get code 2141 on occasion, even
after changing over to 92 octane fuel. I'm thinkin there's a handful of
problems here! :(
'86 5ktq

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