NG Engine?

Mihnea Cotet mik at
Mon Mar 4 20:20:24 EST 2002

At 14:10 4/03/2002 -0500, Dave Aukerman wrote:
>Looks like the opinon is split.  Speaking as someone who was driving an 89
>100Q with the 2.3l when the belt went its seperate way, new belt resulted in
>the car running as normal as ever.  Was running about 70mph when this
>occured, so in that car rpm's would have been around 3-3200.

Agreed! My friend's broke at about 5000 RPM while overtaking a truck....I
must say that his belt had at least 100k miles on it so it's been no wonder
why it broke...that's because certain Audi mechanics over here in Bekgium
still don't think it's necessary to replace a t-belt on an I-5 engine
because they're not interference engines...oh well, I guess that when
another one will tell this to me, I'll bet a new head that it can bend
valves...and I'll have a spare head for free :-)


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