Looking for the supreme spark plug

Beatty, Robert BeattyR at ummhc.org
Wed Mar 6 15:37:55 EST 2002

Ahhhh now we are getting into my area of expertise....

All medical equipment has to be verfied electrically safe, ie .5 ohms power
cord resistance and less than 500 microAmps leakage.  All leads (EKG) have
to be under 10 microAmps of leakage current.  It only takes a VERY small
amount of current (Amps) to change the hearts rythum.

That being said, I have been hit by 120, 240, and the ingnition spark more
than a few times and I'm still here, well mostly :).

86 5ktq
89 200tqa

-----Original Message-----
From: James D. Hanson [mailto:jhanson at westmont.edu

On Wed, 6 Mar 2002, Brett Dikeman wrote:
> You're very lucky.  Ignition system voltages are classified as lethal.

Any voltage can be lethal.  Its the amperage, not the voltage that can
kill.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but it only takes about 1/10th of an amp
to kill a human (though that has to go through the heart).

The trick to not getting electrocuted is not having the path to ground
pass through your heart.  Heh.  Though you can still get some nasty
contact burns at higher voltages.


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