Looking for the supreme spark plug

Joshua Van Tol josh at spiny.com
Wed Mar 6 16:25:45 EST 2002

>At 8:35 AM +1300 3/7/02, Duncan Thomson wrote:
>>Yeah, I thought about this (having done this before once or twice myself)
>You're very lucky.  Ignition system voltages are classified as lethal.

Yeah, but the current that an ignition coil can supply isn't. What's
important is how much current flows through the heart, not the
voltage. Above a certain voltage, it's almost certain that the amount
of current that does flow will be lethal if the source can supply it,
however, ignition systems have low current sourcing capabilities. On
the order of microamps. It takes 10 ma or more to kill someone.
Joshua Van Tol -- josh at spiny.com

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