Looking for the supreme spark plug

Matt S. theonlymattman007 at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 6 20:52:18 EST 2002

Last year, during the summer, I worked for a company
that worked with big electromagnets.
We're talking 32,000 joules released in 1/50th of a
second. The wires that go to the fixture (each about
as thick as a broomhandle) have hit the celing when
the power was discharged.
I was taught a trick. When you're dealing with
anything electrical and you're about to get near any
high current, hold one hand behind your back (like
you're being handcuffed).

The most I've ever been hit with was a spark with 2.6
amps directly into my finger (left a black line up my
fingernail), but I was almost hit by lightning once.

Never ever ever grab anything electrical with two
hands. Thats just asking the current to flow from arm
to arm, as in straight through your heart. :O

Be safe. Remember, 12V isn't likely to jump far, but
the 5 million volts out of plug wires sure will. The
less the resistance, the higher the chance of getting
seriously injured or killed. Stay safe! :)


--- "Beatty, Robert" <BeattyR at ummhc.org> wrote:
> Ahhhh now we are getting into my area of
> expertise....
>...It only takes a VERY small
> amount of current (Amps) to change the hearts
> rythum.

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