Need used 80/90Q clutch disk and pressure plate

JShadzi at JShadzi at
Thu Mar 7 16:45:29 EST 2002

The 01A flywheel is very different, but you might be able to make it work.  I know the splines are different, so the 80 disk won't work.  PP should be ok.  Also, the 01A flywheel will take either a 228mm or 240mm disk, no need to go 240 unless you think your gonna make 200+hp.


> I am test fitting to find the right clutch combination -  trying to mate up a lightened 90 Quattro flywheel to a 4000quattro trans.  Does anyone have a
> used 80 or 90 Quattro pressure plate and clutch disk they can send me.  I
> don't know if there were any breaks in sizes, but the flywheel I am using
> takes 240mm disk and pp.
> Ben

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