88 90q on the fritz
WAUFX at aol.com
WAUFX at aol.com
Fri Mar 8 17:45:58 EST 2002
Fabulous listers-
My 88 90q is running poorly. It is ragged on acceleration, and not accelerating as rapidly as usual. It's doing the same thing my 87 4kq did before the fuel dist. seized.
When the accelerator is depressed very slightly (like the amount to cruise on a flat road, very little) car will run fine. But push it down even the amount required for any acceleration whatsoever, and the symptoms will appear. Car has been sitting for 3 weeks with 1/3 tank gas. I filled it up with 93, as usual, with no change.
When I got the car in July 2001 it ran like this. Replacing the plugs, cap, rotor, and fuel pump relay cured its poor running/stalling problems. The car has not done this since before except for almost every time I do one rev-through (1-4k rpms) in normal driving, there would be a slight hesitation, like it was clearing its throat or something at around 2k, then full power.
Now it does it full time. Trip computer is reading 19 mpg, slightly less than its usual slightly inaccurate 21.
I already unplugged o2 sensor and ISV, with no change. Checked air flow plate, and that is moving freely. Also checked #2's spark plug, no black deposits. Sniffed plug, no gas smell.
Now that I think of it....it has been around 12K since cap, rotor, and plugs were done...hmm.. : ) And plug wires have never been replaced in my ownership.
But would the fact that these items are nearing the end of thier useful life account for the sudden appearance of this poor-running problem?
Should I go plugs, wires, cap and rotor and then go from there if the problem is still present?
Advice, heckling, BTDT, jokes, all welcome.
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