quattro digest, Vol 1 #3071 - bouncy horn (was type 44 scale model)

Larry C Leung l.leung at juno.com
Sat Mar 9 00:59:31 EST 2002

>To: one at humanspeakers.com, Tom Nas <tnas at euronet.nl>
>From: Brett Dikeman <brett at cloud9.net>
>Subject: Re: Type 44 scale model
>Cc: quattro at audifans.com
>At 11:55 PM -0500 3/7/02, Huw Powell wrote:
>>  > It arrived today, and I'm pretty happy. The working lights and
>horn make it
>>>  something of a gadget
>>and somewhat unusual for an Audi!
>Ah, but does the horn go off on big bumps in the road?
>I've looked over the wheel top to bottom and have only found two
>screws that are both quite tight, but the whole airbag assembly, it
>seems, bounces around inside the center of the wheel.  Exceptionally
>annoying on really bumpy roads.

Have you tried replacing the horn pad springs? I had the same thing,
though mine turned out to be loose fixing screws for the airbag asm. Make
sure that they are truely tight. AFAIR it should be a # 10 Torx and it's
a pain in the butt 'cuz you kind of have to be a contortionist to get
beihnd the wheel.


LL - NY, beep, beep!

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