4k/CGT/ur-q H1/H4 eurolight stongard p/n #?

Roa, Greg Greg.Roa at Cinergy.COM
Tue Mar 12 10:37:24 EST 2002

Hey Ken,
I ordered that same part number for my euros (note that it says includes
european lights).  Seems to me that they sell one part number for the
euros, and if you have DOT lights you can trim it yourself to the proper
size.  The people on the phone when I talked to them were less than
knowledgeable (at least they were friendly) as well, and charged me the
wrong amount.  I think, that the $50 that they have the set listed as is
actually more than it should be.  I got a check back from stonguard
later on, out of the blue.

I would order them from the people on the phone, and not through the
website.  That way they can make sure that the price is correct.  If I
remember correctly, the final price was closer to $35 plus shipping.

Good Luck!
Greg Roa
Cincinnati, OH
86' 4kcsq
93' 90 CS
83' 944

>From: auditude at get.net
>To: quattro at audifans.com
>Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 14:02:20 -0700
>Subject: 4k/CGT/ur-q H1/H4 eurolight stongard p/n #?
>I'm trying to determine which part number is for Stongard protective
>film to fit on the H1/H4 european headlights, for a 4kq or Coupe GT
>or ur-quattro.
>I found this one on the Stongard site, but I think it is for the single
>bulb, H4 only, style eurolights.
>(Basically p/n 988180)
.Since that's the same part number as for the stock 4kq lights, I
>don't think it is the right one for the H1/H4's.
>Furthermore, looking for a "Quattro" model gets me 88-92 or 93-95,
>neither of which appear to be an ur-quattro.
>There's a listing for "Coupe" for 90-91, but I think this is the Type
>89 Coupe quattro.
>The lady on the phone wasn't all that helpful with finding this
>particular fitment.

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