FS: Snap-on SIMUTECH+ module with european cables

RM waves at epix.net
Tue Mar 12 22:06:05 EST 2002

I have a Simutech module with 5 cables for VW and Audi cars including an ABS
cable. For those who don't know, this is an electronic break-out box that
gets hooked up to a standard desk top PC. It allows you to see everything
your cars computer sees, as well as run a complete pin sweep test to find
any faults in wiring, grounds, B+ circuits, sensors and switches. What would
take you  several hours can be done in about 45 seconds. It also has an 8
trace waveform viewer, record/capture/save feature and much more!

Snap-on charges way too much $$$ for this set-up (over $10k), but I'd be
willing to sell for allot less. I'll have a price in a few days. Also, this
set-up has very little use, and the module itself was recently updated to
the latest specs. All you'll need to do is get the latest software update
from snap-on, or use the one I have that is about 2 years old. Let me know
if interested!

Rolf Mair

waves at epix.net

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