Beware of seller in our Marketplace...

Bill Rowe rowe at
Wed Mar 13 08:55:39 EST 2002

Is there any possibility that the "shop" kept them?

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at [mailto:quattro-admin at] On
Behalf Of Steve Sprague
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 4:41 PM
To: quattro at
Subject: Beware of seller in our Marketplace...

Hi Listers,

	This is just another story of losing money on the internet.  I
"supposedly" purchased some Sumitomo HTR 100's for my commuter 4kq in
February from a seller posting in the AudiFans Marketplace.  The
seller's email address is SpiderVeloec1 at and his name (if is
real) is Chris Woodward.  His supposedly last address is in Alphetta
Georgia.  I have tried to track him down and have not found out if the
tires were ever shipped or even existed. I did as help from the list but
no responses yet.  Thanks to those who responded.

	I have been keeping tabs at my shop where the tires were to be
delivered and I basically lost $150.  So that lesson wasn't as painfull
as some stories I've heard.  For now, if the seller isn't in driving
range of my house, forget it!  I'd rather pay retail!  Yep, it's a
bitter attitude but these people make all the honest ones look bad.  I
just know that these guys (or gals) will get it in the end.

Thanks for listening.

84 4qs (318k miles and still moving without new rubber!)

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