Any tips, tricks for CGT/4k axle removal???

Brian Devlin bdevlin at
Wed Mar 13 12:48:37 EST 2002

>Pretty straightforward,
>Loosen the half-shaft nut while the car is still on
>the your 6 mm triple-square for
>loosening the inner CV joint side of axel?

Be careful with the triple squares, they seem to like to walk out of
the bolt head if they wiggle. I always tap them in with a small
hammer to make sure they're all the way in.

>The only
>real tricky part is breaking the ball joint free of
>the strut. Its easy to damage the rubber ball joint
>covering when fiddling with large screw drivers or

Spreading the ball joint clamp with a screwdriver can help here.

I would also put some liquid wrench were the out shaft end goes
through the bearing, I've had bearings come apart due to removal of
the shaft (although I was working on non- Audi).
>  -ed
>--- Stpndsmnn at wrote:
>>  I am planning on replacing the passenger side axle
>>  assembly on my CGTt either
>>  today or very soon.    Just looking for a BTDT or
>>  any other tips that might
>>  ease the process.  I do have books but personal
>>  experiences are also very
>>  helpful..
>>  Thanks
>>  Matt Kramer,
>>  '83 CGT
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