Aluminum wheels - slow air leaks

james accordino ssgacc at
Thu Mar 14 17:09:59 EST 2002

You too, huh?  Do they still make that stuff?  A
better question would be do people still buy that
stuff?  Worthless.

Jim Accordino

--- Huw Powell <human747 at> wrote:
> > I've used some of those "rust fix" paints - the
> rust always came back.  POR
> > sticks to pretty much anything (but not cured POR,
> go fig!) - Used it on all
> > of my cars, the wife's rust-prone Pont-yak, and
> various garden tractor/roto
> > tiller/etc around the house - excellent stuff
> "Rust Fix" and POR are the same thing, basically. 
> Works great, really
> neat on things like engine blocks, catalytic
> converters...
> The one that never worked (for me) was called
> "Extend," just didn't do
> anything at all.
> --
> Huw Powell

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