V8 repair manual ?

Steve Kramer skramer at mac.com
Fri Mar 15 14:40:31 EST 2002


Since buying this car I have been doing some very minor repairs.  I am very
much a novice however, I am handy around the house.  I think I can do some
of this stuff to save on labor costs.

What I'm looking for you is some do it yourself guide I can use for these
projects I'm doing on my 1990 V8.  I have seen the cd that is at the Audi
Dealers and that would be a good resource for exploded diagrams and part
numbers but as to step by step guides - what do you guys use.

- Here are repairs that I want to do

replace both distributer caps and wires - old
repace valve gaskets - Left cylinder block is leaking
replace window regulators - on passenger and rear doors
replace passenger side headlights - cracked
replace mirrors  - mirrors delaminated
replace sunroof motor - getting slower

- Here are repairs that I have done

replace air filter with K&N
replace radiator hoses  Upper Hose
replace jamb switches
replace headrests
replace window switches
replace front grille


Steve Kramer 

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