1988 Audi 90 Quattro

ed armstrong edshred2000 at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 16 09:26:01 EST 2002

These symptoms could very well be a bad cap and rotor
on the distributor.  Did your mechanic check the
simple stuff first ??


--- Lloyd McClelland <lsm6 at northcoast.com> wrote:
> Hi  until someone with more Audi mechanical
> experience replies... I had the
> same symptoms a year or so ago on my '88 80 Q,
> losing power, stalling never
> knew  when, it  was a small  vacuum line that was
> split it was opening and
> closing.. Lloyd in Eureka, Calif-----Original
> Message-----
> From: James R. Dornenburg <monjack1 at bellsouth.net>
> To: quattro at audifans.com <quattro at audifans.com>
> Date: Friday, March 15, 2002 7:20 PM
> Subject: 1988 Audi 90 Quattro
> >Help, please!  My Audi has an awful problem - it is
> intermittently losing
> power, sometimes just
> >lurching (the tach drops to zero then bounces back
> up) and continuing on
> with power; and
> >sometimes totally losing power and leaving me
> stranded.  This problem began
> with the so
> >infrequent lurch that it didn't appear to be a
> problem, to now - the
> lurching is as often as 3
> >-4 times in a three mile stretch, and as often as
> every other short drive,
> I experience total
> >engine failure.   If I wait,  the engine will
> eventually restart.  And, run
> as if nothing is
> >wrong.  Although it takes some serious cranking to
> get it to restart.  My
> mechanic has tried to
> >diagnose the problem; however, he has been
> unsuccessful so far.  He thinks
> it may be a computer
> >chip regarding the spark.  I really, really like my
> car and will appreciate
> anyone's suggestions
> >as to what the problem may be, or perhaps someone
> else has experienced this
> same problem.  Thank
> >you for your help.
> >Possibly related to the problem....
> >Heating unit for the car seats clicks when it has
> been on for a while.
> >The ABS brake indicator light comes on behind the
> steering wheel and the
> dash push button will
> >not engage the brake system.
> >The car lurches when the A/C is engaged.
> >There are 152,000 miles on the car and it has been
> very well maintained,
> with only minor
> >problems through the years.  It did have a vacuum
> fuel pump problem a few
> years back.  Don't
> >know if any of these issues are related...but
> thought the history might be
> helpful.
> >Cheryl
> >monjack1 at bellsouth.net
> >

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