Huw Powell human747 at
Sun Mar 17 14:16:22 EST 2002

> Suneth Waas wrote:
> Hello Huw,
> I thought I'd take the liberty of writing you to ask for help in
> locationg the A/C blower speed resistor in my Audi 90Q20V. Any ideas?

If you mean the one that allows the different fan speeds, and I think
you do, it is *probably,* but not certainly, in the same place as my 10v
90Q - basically behind the glove compartment, a small rectangular thing,
night be green, screwed in place on the fresh air plenum thing where it
can get some cooling (?) from the air going by.  Not particularly
expensive either, my local import guys (Atlantic) had them in stock (for
about $20), since it is an old VW part.

Huw Powell

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