flate rate.

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Wed Mar 20 15:52:45 EST 2002

Huh? What's your problem?  I didn't break your f*$ing transmission.  I
was suggesting you could look into having it repaired at an independent
shop or facility.  And YES, I would consider helping you pull the trannie
if you were close to where I live, although I've never pulled a trannie
for a fellow lister,  I have purchased parts at wholesale, helped a few
change wheel bearings, CV joints, struts etc. on occasion. 
Don't worry about me "shooting off my mouth" to any of your inquires ever

BCNU (not),

Ed Birch <edwbirch at comcast.net> writes:
> cobram replied......
> > >  Does anyone know the amount of time Audi dealers charge to 
> remove, overhaul and replace a 5 speed manual transmission in a

> > Just call and ask, they'll look it up and give you a quote on the 
> phone. 
> No kidding, really??  
> > I doubt they'll touch the trans, probably just replace with a 
> rebuilt or
> > new unit.
> Uhuh!  $2,500 for a factory rebuilt, plus labor.
> > 
> > >  I'm sorry to say, at this point in time, I've grown to distrust 
> > > Audi dealers.
> > 
> > Say it ain't so, slippery slopt, it will lead to distrust of used 
> car salesmen, clergymen or even the news media.
> >  
> > >  My girlfriend says she cannot understand why!
> > 
> > Obviously she's never been to a dealer for anything that's not a 
> warranty repair.  Even under recall they'll get you...a "free" recall
of a 
> friends Toyota ended up costing him $1200, the heads were changed by
> charged him $600 for a needed radiator and incidentals....
> > 
> > Why the dealer for a 9 year old car?
> You want to repair it?  
> Or, would you rather just shoot off your mouth!
> Ed Birch.....93-100S.
> (facing over $3,000 in transmission repair)

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