Daughter's first solo, first accident
DeWitt Harrison
Six-Rs at attbi.com
Wed Mar 20 20:04:35 EST 2002
Get the young lass her own '90 Honda and let her go.
This will be the first of a half dozen or so minor, but potentially
very costly (if we are taking repairing various body panels
on the Landcrusher) oopsies. She will learn the hard way,
for example, about the concrete columns in the parking
garage. Let her do it in the Honda, not a vehicle you
actually care about.
I understand the parental urge to guarantee her safety
against 18 wheelers, moose, nuclear attacks, etc., but
a) you would be kidding yourself since she is more likely
to get into an accident driving that beast in the first place
and b) both you and she can be a hell of a lot more
relaxed if mashing into stationary objects doesn't
make a rat's behind to anyone. c) If she rear-ends somebody
at the Taco Bell, there won't be any loss of life. She will
be grateful to be spared your damn annoying constant concern
and the glaring disapproval when the driver's door hinges get
bent backward and will definitely appreciate having _her_
very own car. (BTW, Dad, the Honda is a pretty safe little
car in addition to being easy to drive.)
DeWitt Harrison
Misc. adult cars including the 88 5kcstq and a fleet of kid cars.
On Thu, 21 Mar 2002 01:26:39,
"scott miller" <macatawa at hotmail.com>
> She didn't get ten feet in the Landcruiser - from the garage 'till she hit
> the back of the quattro! Luckily they're both very sturdy cars, rear
> to bumper, steel and black rubber, no damage. Phew. Moderate speed
> slightly downhill, she pushed the Audi several feet despite it being in
> reverse with hand brake on. Cheap lesson.
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