Daughter's first solo, first accident

DeWitt Harrison Six-Rs at attbi.com
Wed Mar 20 21:08:38 EST 2002

Sounds like a great choice as long as you don't get
stressed about the guaranteed dents, scrapes and busted
lamp lenses.

Incidentally, I didn't claim that the _Honda_ would be
safe; only that she would be while inside one. :-)



On Thursday, March 21, 2002 3:21 AM
    "scott miller" <macatawa at hotmail.com> wrote:

> >Get the young lass her own '90 Honda and let her go.
> Actually the '90 q is to be hers, it's ideal:  Black rubber bumpers,
> tranny, radio inop, heavily constructed, not worth much (I had it sold for
> $3k but kept it).  I was in a Honda rear ended by a Volvo.  The Volvo
> as unfazed as this Audi does, the Honda was totalled and badly.  The
> Landcruiser is not for her to drive regularly.
> Scott
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