Daughter's first solo, first accident

Brett Dikeman brett at cloud9.net
Wed Mar 20 23:59:41 EST 2002

At 8:04 PM -0700 3/20/02, DeWitt Harrison wrote:

>This will be the first of a half dozen or so minor, but potentially
>very costly (if we are taking repairing various body panels
>on the Landcrusher) oopsies. She will learn the hard way,
>for example, about the concrete columns in the parking
>garage. Let her do it in the Honda, not a vehicle you
>actually care about.

Funny you should mention concrete columns.  My father hit one in the 
5000 after I went to college(but still very much considered it -MY- 
car :-)...I was crushed and mad as hell.  Did in the front left 
fender panel.  It took weeks/months of my mother and I bugging him to 
fix it.

Then, coming home one night, he got tangled with a moronic snowplow 
operator that came flying out of a driveway backwards without looking 
for oncoming traffic.  Plow and bumper made contact; looked like 
Superman took a shot with a giant-sized can opener. That was fixed 
quite quickly(someone else was paying for it.)

This was a year or two after he totalled his 944 by rear-ending a 
pontiac in the rain(bald tires.)

That car was just plain doomed; it went through more minor little 
accidents than I can count, almost all of them someone else's fault; 
off the top of my head I can count at least 4.  It attracted minor 
accidents like a magnet; our body shop guy, a real character, once 
asked my mother if she'd like a bullseye painted on the cheapest part 
of the car to fix.

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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