re. The Miss

Ben Swann bswann at
Mon Mar 25 21:57:19 EST 2002


Sounds like the time I went and replaced injectors because it was 
"obviously" a fuel problem and plugs were firing or so it was apparent.

Well the supposedly brand new wires were crap - assembled incorrectly 
leading to the boot connection being fried.

Several other times I have started down the path of looking at fuel 
delivery(both cars and boats) when it was ignition.  I have been getting 
wise to this more recently.

Even if the injector pattern is off a little, you should not be missing 
that bad.  The fact you could induce a pattern at all by lifting the plate 
indicates injection is probably OK.

If the plate is binding due to mis-adjustment, it will hesitate on takeoff.

Recheck/replace those wires, cap, rotor - unless you just did.

Hope this helps.


[After tracing a miss-at idle (#4) to a bad injector (or so I thought) I
replaced all 5. (#4 did not spray at all at idle, while 1,2,3 and 5 did. It 
started to piss out one side.. nasty pattern, with about 1" of metering
plate lift, and bwcame a full (but rough) pattern from midrange to WOT)
After replacing the injectors, the idle speed to 15/1800 rpms miss is still 
Compression is close to 100 PSI on all 5 cylinders, and spark is present.
I haven't pulled #4 back out, but it leads me to believe that the problem 
probably in the metering/distribution head of the FI unit.
The miss on #4 started after 3 back-to-back treatments with Techron.
Am I doomed to replacing the whole metering/distribution head, the whole
"box" or am I overlooking something?
Hoping for the best/fearing the worst,
Mark Woodland]

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