Automatic gearboxes. love them or hate them but why?

Bob mx at
Thu Mar 28 11:44:02 EST 2002

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Tom Nas wrote:

> Depends on your perspective, I guess. I do most of my driving in heavy
> traffic, my daily 34 km commute takes close to two hours. I'm seriously
> considering moving to an automatic, but small automatics are impossible to
> resell here and big automatics are too thirsty.

So are you buying your car for you or the next owner? ;-)

Its a battle I always fought with myself even. Should I make xyz change to my car? WIll it hurt
resale? Should I get in the seat the right way so I dont have wear patterns on the leather? Should I
keep mileage down even though I LOVE driving the car just so it holds value??

I finally came to the conclusion "Screw it"  the car is for me, not for the next owner...


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