The bomb..And not in modern terms :(

james accordino ssgacc at
Fri Mar 29 15:07:19 EST 2002

Unless all the warning light plugs are undone or more
likely cut.  Unfortunately, quite common with this
vintage when they come up for sale.

Jim Accordino

--- Helge Wunderlich <helgeww at> wrote:
> On Mon, 25 Mar 2002 23:58:21 -0800 (PST), Matt S.
> wrote:
> >So, I was driving down the street when *bam* my
> >steering goes hard and brakes go hard.
> >Whee! Lost my power steering and brakes.
> >I'm going to figure that this is the bomb.
> If the brakes went hard immediately (not after
> several brakings), the
> bomb is bad, but there is more wrong.
> The bomb does not have anything at all to do with
> the steering. In
> fact, the brake and steering are entirely separate
> hydraulic systems
> sharing a reservoir. The pump is actually two
> separate pumps driven by
> the same shaft.
> It sounds like a bad belt or a dry reservoir. There
> should be a
> blinking indicator in the dash if the fluid level in
> the reservoir
> gets low, which leaves only the belt as a probable
> cause.

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