sloppy shifter 200tqa

frank j. bauer frankbauer at
Fri Mar 29 15:45:58 EST 2002

At 12:52 PM 3/29/02 -0800, Ron Wainwright wrote:
>  I posted a few weeks back about my shifter having
>allot of movement  feels sloppy
> well a few listers said that maybe the sheer bolt
>that goes through the selector shaft lever was loose
>or about ready to fall off but thats not the case
>I think it's the ball socket that attaches to the
>selector shaft lever is in pieces or isn't there
>anymore it's kind a hard to see down there but is
>there a source for a shifter kit or
> is this a buy the pieces needed from the dealer kind
>a thing any other info would be great.
>90 200tqa 202k IA stage1,1.7 bar

from my archives:

here are the rebuild parts for a type 44q:
part number   pg itm  description                         qty   msrp
431 711 079A  61 1    guide for shift lever                1   $6.90
431 711 133C  61 3    gearshift rod stop                   1   $3.55
431 711 133D  61 4    gearshift rod stop                   1   $2.90
447 711 167   61 7    rubber boot (shiftrod)               1  $21.35
171 711 217   61 18   bush                                 1   $1.20
431 711 221   61 20   ball socket (shift rod)              2   $3.55
431 711 223A  61 22   bushing (shift lever guide)          1   $2.45
823 711 255   61 29   shift guide (shift lvr/pushrod)      1   $2.90
447 711 279A  61 33   rubber bushing (pushrod)             1   $2.20
803 711 279E  61 36   ball socket (adj rod)                2   $2.50
823 711 279A  61 40   rubber ring/guide (shft lvr/pushrod) 1   $6.25
447 711 283A  61 42   bracket (pushrod)                    1  $23.10
447 711 393   61 47   cover plate, shift lever             1   $3.35
823 711 643A  61 57   lower ball half (shift lvr/pushrod)  1   $4.00


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