Radio-controlled locks

Brett Dikeman brett at
Sun Mar 31 15:37:33 EST 2002

At 11:47 AM -0500 3/31/02, Neal Zung wrote:

>Audi A6 Quattro

What year?

>  with radio controlled remote locking/alarm system.
>My remote transmitters have stopped working. I cannot clear the code

Clear what code?

>  or
>re-program them.

With the exception of the early key fobs which were re-trained by
using them in the door lock or ignition(can't remember which), I
think most have to be reprogrammed by the dealer.

>  Where is the receiver located and can I replace it? The
>system works fine with the keys, so I don't think it is the main pump.

How old are they, and have you considered that the batteries might be
dead in the transmitters?

FYI, the immobilizer functions are different from the transmitter
functions(I believe.)  For example, newer models have a plastic
wallet key that is a temporary key contains a small chip
inside just like the other keys that responds to the car.

I've always suspected that it works off similar technology as proximity cards.

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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