
Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Wed May 1 13:06:06 EDT 2002

At 11:32 AM 05/01/2002 -0400, Jpinkowish at wrote:

>In a message dated 4/30/02 5:29:56 PM EDT, quattro-request at
> > The key is the red NEXT button in the top right corner...
> >
> >  Click Audi or VW and then the year.
> >  Click the next button.
> >  Pick the model from the pop-up table, see the pic on the left.
> >  Click the next button.
> >  Pick the assembly grouping from the table, the pic changes.
> >  Click the next button.
>Hi all,
>Not to be too dense here, but I also am having a problem getting this to
>work.  My problem is that after I select a model(any model for 1985) and
>click "next", I get a "No picture available" message in the left hand window.
>I'm using AOL 4.0 and ancient Windows(3.11).  Is this the cause of my problem?

The site likes Internet Explorer.  Doesn't seem to work with other browsers.

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