pressure bleed "CLUTCH": which adapter cap?

Ken auditude at
Thu May 2 14:55:10 EDT 2002

Hello again,

I got some private replies to this (thanks), but perhaps I should emphasize that I'm asking about bleeding the CLUTCH not the BRAKES.

I don't believe the Motive kit comes with a cap that fits the clutch hydraulics.  They do have a universal cap, but I don't know if that would work or if it's necessary.

I opened up the clutch hydraulics to drop the tranny for the clutch ('88 5kcstq).



> Hello,
> I might buy a Motive pressure bleeder, and I was wondering if I need a
> special cap to be able to bleed the hydraulic clutch on my '88 5kcstq.
> I don't have my engine compartment with me to check the cap size, but
> I would like to order the product today if possible.
> Motive offers a universal type of cap that is said to be usable with
> cap openings of less than 3.5" in diameter.  Perhaps I need this one?
> Thanks,
> Ken

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