Popping Sound In My Exhaust

Rave Racer Ravewar at rogers.com
Fri May 3 18:02:27 EDT 2002

    Actually it's cause be being rich mixture mostly, not lean, but the hole
in the exhaust and the advanced timing could be the cause.  The hole might
be the only reason you can hear it.  Glad I could help.

       Rave Racer
'89 Jetta 1.8L 16V GTX
'87 Audi 4000 Quattro Sedan
'72 Triumph GT6
'83 Toyota Tercel (yoda)     Possible future Sandrail donor...  Maybe

----- Original Message -----
From: Iain Atkinson <iain.atkinson at tesco.net>
To: Rave Racer <Ravewar at rogers.com>; <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 10:58 AM
Subject: RE: Popping Sound In My Exhaust

> Thanks for the reply, doesn't sound like a major problem, the car isn't
> running lean i have had this checked recently, the ignition timing has
> advanced a little though and i do have a small hole in the centre box on
> exhaust.
> Iain
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rave Racer [mailto:Ravewar at rogers.com]
> Sent: 03 May 2002 13:40
> To: Iain Atkinson; quattro at audifans.com
> Subject: Re: Popping Sound In My Exhaust
>     Nah.  I like my popping sound, but I'm crazy.
>        ... However, it is a backfire.  This is not entirely unusual in
> itself, but if your exhaust is intact then you may decide to try to tune
> this out.  It is basically extra fuel, that is unburned, firing sometime
> after it has passed your exhaust valves.  This can cause problems down the
> road clogging or just plain destroying your Cat and or leaving Carbon
> deposits on your valves, headers and exhaust, not to mention the
> environmental impacts.  If you need to pass an emissions test soon, I'd
> it looked at.  The back fire can be a problem caused by the fuel
> distributor, low spark, to high exhaust flow, oxygen sensor, timing....
> there are many reasons.  Under the right circumstances any car will back
> fire.  Alot of people don't realize that their cars are backfiring because
> their exhaust is quiet enough to keep it from being obvious.  In my case
> car sounds like "Vroooom POW, banga bang", but like I said, I'm crazy.
> might want to get professional advice before doing any major work.  You
> only need an adjustment on your fuel distributor ($20 job at an
> Audi Mechanic).  I'd even suspect that a nice new set of good spark plugs
> may do the trick.
>        Rave Racer
> '89 Jetta 1.8L 16V GTX
>  http://www.vwot.org/members/Pete.html
> '87 Audi 4000 Quattro Sedan
>  http://www.audifans.com/registry/view.php?action=viewCar&carid=110
> '72 Triumph GT6
>  http://motorcities.com/contents/01I3H011116682.html
> '83 Toyota Tercel (yoda)     Possible future Sandrail donor...  Maybe
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Iain Atkinson <iain.atkinson at tesco.net>
> To: <quattro at audifans.com>
> Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 8:03 AM
> Subject: Popping Sound In My Exhaust
> > Hello All,
> >
> > my 87 Coupe Q (2.2 5 Cyl engine) makes a popping sound in the exhaust
> i
> > lift off the throttle at anything above 2000 rpm. Any ideas what the
> > might be and is it something i need to worry about????
> >
> >
> > TIA
> >
> >
> > Iain
> >

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