M3 versus Truck, truck wins

Richard J Lebens rick-l at rocketmail.com
Sun May 5 20:49:21 EDT 2002

The car in the background looks like a 911 (996) Turbo.   Aren't those
about $120,000 with production sold out for two years.  Puts the
$60,000 clown shoe cars to shame.

--- Enzeder <enzeder at comcast.net> wrote:

> I didn't know what was up at the time, but I saw this pair of Vipers
> pulled
> over on I-95 south, just after it joined the DC beltway:
> http://www.audiworld.com/news/02/gumball/gumball3/Dscn4759.jpg
> I initially thought they  may have been One Lap cars.
> Later,
> Arryn

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