O2 sensor options

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Mon May 6 12:16:33 EDT 2002

At 09:35 AM 05/06/2002 -0400, Marc Swanson wrote:

> > >You bet, generic sensors are usually around $40.  I've been using one from
> > > a ford mustang of some vintage.  Bosch # 13019 .  Heck I even went to the
> > > junkyard and pulled the _other_ end of the connector so I wouldn't have
> > > to splice anymore ;-)
> >
> > Hey, Marc, do you mean you got an Audi connector from a junk yard or a
> > Mustang?
>Mustang connector.  I found a local yard with lots of American iron hanging
>about that let me wander around and pull stuff myself so I peeked under a few
>hoods until I found a car that had the connector I was looking for.  I think
>it was a Lincoln Mark VII or something that I ended up pulling the connector
>from now that I think about it.  The mustang likely has the same connector
>though, the engine was a 5.0 V8 in the car I pulled it from in any event.

OK, so you permanently attached one side of the Ford connector assembly to
the Audi wiring and now you can plug in each new Ford sensor after
installing it, right?

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