instrument cluster

Brett Dikeman brett at
Mon May 6 14:43:33 EDT 2002

At 9:26 AM -0400 5/6/02, Lee Levitt wrote:
>Three quick questions...
>- I recently replaced all the bulbs in the instrument cluster in my S6, and
>seem to have missed one or two in the middle. The high side of the tach and
>the low side of the speedo are still dark...are these bulbs buried

That might help.  Look on page 2, towards the bottom.  Granted, it's
from a 200q20v, but it is basically the same.

>- What is the technique for disconnecting the big cable behind the speedo
>and the others in that area? I wasn't able to get a couple undone and would
>really like to be able to work on the IC on the bench. I'd really appreciate
>a description on how to get these undone so I don't break anything.

You have to get a medium size screwdriver and use it to pull up the
clip in the center of the connector; it is a friction lock of sorts,
with the clip acting like a wedge to keep the connector in place.  It
pops straight up, about 1/3rd of an inch.  I've never been able to
get them popped by hand no matter how hard I tried, but it's a breeze
with a screwdriver...just be careful :-)

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