Rings - break in period/mileage

mike mikemk40 at yahoo.com
Tue May 7 22:05:15 EDT 2002


Your probably don't want to hear this but....a pint
very 100 miles is way too high....something is badly


 --- Ben Swann <bswann at worldnet.att.net> wrote: > MC
> Any ideas on what kind of oil consumption I should
> be seeing during
> break-in for first 1000 mi?
> Engine has new rings, valve seals, turbo and seems
> to be consuming about a
> quart or Castrol 10w40 in under 200mi.  Standard
> piston rings used - Goetze
> 026 198 151A with very light honing to remove glaze.
> I get a lot of smoke on startup too, then it settles
> down.  Engine now has
> 700 miles since rebuild.
> Ben

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