5kTQ overheating - need help

Steve Sears steve.sears at soil-mat.on.ca
Wed May 8 14:11:07 EDT 2002

To Mike, Jim, Tex et al,
Many thanks for your assistance on the overheating thing.  It's helping
hands like yours that make the list so great.
After flushing some crud out of the rad, the car did run a bit cooler, but
it still blew lots of coolant out of the overflow tank.  After a near
disaster (small overflow hose ruptured in the driveway after a short drive,
managed to reconnect and get coolant flowing before major damage resulted) I
took the car to my mechanic and had them pull the head (as Phil had
suggested long ago for a different matter - in the case of the missing
injector "hat") - #5 cylinder was pressurizing the coolant system through
the head gasket.  Hopefully this will be problem solved and I can get on
with the qlcc modifications....
Steve Sears
1987 5kTQ
1980 5k
1962 and '64 Auto Union DKW Junior deLuxes
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