stock cis restrictions

alan pritchard alanthecelt at
Thu May 9 16:17:41 EDT 2002

Ive been following this thread for a while now, as im not an fi god like
some of you out there i will just say my 2c;
So general consensus is that the air flow plate can flow more air than the
correct amount of fuel can be delivered, there are various ways around this,
but then your not dealing with stock cis,
if you raise the fuel pressure you solve your problems at high rpm, but then
at low rpm it all goes to pot;
add an additional fuel controller,
ditch cis and go efi
or the one i like the idea of is using 2 cis units (1/2 airflow through
each, half the fuel delivered from each, but potentially double the hp).

But one thing ive never seen used on the cis cars is an aftermarket fuel
pressure regulator, either controlled of rpm or boost pressure has anyone
looked into this or seen anything like this on the market?  (i dunno if
thats whats meant by a rising rate fuel pressure regulator).

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