hmm...type44 bomb question

cjcasati at cjcasati at
Thu May 9 12:44:08 EDT 2002

Another thing to quickly test is the brake servo, since you hadn't replaced
that yet. It sits between the firewall and the master cylinder, if it leaks
you loose pressure. Build up pressure by letting the car idle for a few
minutes, then cut off the engine and disconnect the return line that feeds
into the top of the hydraulic fluid reservoir. If you get a few drops out of
the hose you are fine - if you get a constant trickle or stream it is shot.
Expensive and not available rebuilt. I so far have used 2 used ones, both of
which failed after a few months.

Christoph Casati
christoph.casati at

At 19:11 2002-05-08 +0000, Chris Dyer wrote:

>Replaced bomb, master & slave about 55k mi./2.5 yr. ago. Wrench said that
>brake accumulator is leaking. This is the same item as the "bomb", yes? And
>is it unusual that it should fail so soon? (part was new, not rebuilt) Car
>is a '87 5kcstq, 185k mi.

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