Parts NLA

Fisher, Scott Scott_Fisher at
Thu May 9 15:15:37 EDT 2002

David Ullrich writes, regarding the missing radiator duct/shielding on his

> I can't really make one, I don't have anything to use as
> a template.

Do what I did for my '83 CGT: make your initial template out of cardboard
and a good sharp knife.  You'll be able to tell easily where to cut to get
it to fit (big notch where the hoses come through), where you may need to
add tabs or make notches to fit against the radiator support, and it's all
easy to work with.  As I recall, there were a few places where the ducting
needed to be bent slightly to clear/fit, and the cardboard was easy to work
with.  We used packing-box cardboard, because we have a ton of it around.

It's not durable enough to use (though it doesn't seem that much more flimsy
than the torn and deteriorated stuff I took out, which had actually fallen
in front of the radiator).  Not really a good idea to leave the carboard in
place after initial tests.  An intermediate step would be to use some of the
stuff they used to make the yellow Beetle bodyshell on last night's "Panic
Mechanics" episode (all right, the dirty secret is out!!!) -- same
construction as corrugated cardboard, but made out of some kind of plastic
so it's water-resistant.

The Right Thing to do would be to make the new shielding/ducting out of thin
aluminum sheet (which is likewise easy to cut and to bend), using the
cardboard as the template, and drill out holes for the mounting screws
rather than duct-taping it into place.  I have to do that one day...

--Scott Fisher
  Tualatin, Oregon

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