Um... DUH.... (was re: 12V spark plug change)

Mihnea Cotet mik at
Mon May 13 01:01:27 EDT 2002

At 14:42 12/05/2002 -0700, Fisher, Scott wrote:
>So a few minutes ago, I asked if there was any trick to changing the plugs
>on the 12V V6 in my wife's '93 100CSQ.

Blah-blah part snipped...

>My wife is VERY happy to have her car back -- we're off to the garden center
>as soon as I clean up.  It instantly ran smoother from the first turn of the
>key.  I can't wait to give it an Italian tune-up to clear any unburned crud
>off the valves...

Ummmmmmmm, what'an italian tune-up, please??? :-) I've never heard about it
and maybe it's just some easy thing but I'd like to know exactly what it is
and what it involves...



'85 -OOOO- Coupe quattro

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