Was: F1, Now; mixed nuts

tihol_tiholov at sd27.bc.ca tihol_tiholov at sd27.bc.ca
Mon May 13 15:40:38 EDT 2002

>few of those guys have successfully made the jump to F-1 (Zinardi,
>Villeneuve, Montoya, Andretti, etc.)

I'd make the above about 50 % unsuccessfully (Zanardi and Andretti - both
stayed one season and came back), one questionable as yet (Montoya) and 1

> it seems that the guys moving from F-1 to IRL are the ones that couldn't
quite make it in F-1.

Going to IRL means they didn't make it even in CART, let alone F1.

>Maybe with the exception of Andretti.

As above - he didn't make it at all in F1


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