(no subject)

Daniel B. Freedman dan at done-that.com
Tue May 14 12:05:49 EDT 2002

Hi all,

	Our 98- A6 (5 V) started acting strange as of late, it has
53,000 miles on it and all of the sudden it started becoming hard to
start (randomly - hot or cold no reason). It cranks long then starts as
if the spark in not good. I smell the gas (it could be flooding it's
self). Once it starts to catch it comes up quick and then maybe fine for
a day or two, then we get one of the hard to start events again.

PS: I am on digest, so please cc me at dan at done-that.com


Dan Freedman
dan at done-that.com
(301) 649-2024
D. P. I. of Maryland

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