5k plastic radiator failure: repair or replace

Wallace White wallace at stanfordalumni.org
Tue May 14 22:09:53 EDT 2002

I just broke my radiator (probably original). I was replacing the
coolant overflow hose, which was in bad shape, and the plastic nipple or
neck broke off at its base--just like I knew it might from stories I've
read here. Durn.

So, repair or replace? I understand that there's a repair kit from Audi:

	200 121 003  glue  sugg retail $10.05
	200 121 001  insert     retail $11.20

I'm tempted to repair because I'd like to get the car going again
tomorrow without spending the day repairing it... but my gut--and some
messages in the archives--say that the repair won't last very long.

Metal vs. plastic replacement? Looks like my plastic one made it fifteen
years, so I hold no prejudice against it.


- Wallace
  '87 5kcstq 185k

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