1.8t in 4kq

Dave Alarie dalarie at uwsa.edu
Thu May 16 11:43:43 EDT 2002

>> Dave Alarie wrote:
>> >    What about the idea of swapping in the motronic system ahead of the
>> > engine? Rip out the CIS-E bits and then bolt-on a newer throttle body,
>> > upgrade the injectors, and install the motronic fuel distibutor,
>> MAF and
>> > ECU.  Then it's just (look, he said "just" again.  ha ha ha ) a matter
>> > of programming the motronic unit to spoof  the CIS-E fuel mappings.
 From Michael Gough's message: "EFI . . . the only way to fly!":

 >If you want to go the DIY route like I did, check out...
 >Or if you want it already made check out Javad's system....
It's nice when one of my veils of ignorance is summarily swept away.  Cool.


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