
joel nevin joelnevin at yahoo.com
Thu May 16 11:48:35 EDT 2002

Well, I would have to agree on a/d/s, had 2, 1 bridged
for the sub and 1 running the fronts with an active
x-over in the rear and passive x-over in the front,
until the system was stolen out of my 93 90Q.

Unfortunately, from what I hear the new a/d/s
equipment isn't as good as the older stuff. Also
Boston Acoustics is working on amps, and just had a
really good review on one.

--- "Mark L. Chang" <mchang at ee.washington.edu> wrote:
> On Thu, May 16, 2002 at 12:23:45PM -0400 or
> thereabouts, Lee Levitt wrote:
> > Agreed. Wish I had gotten around to adding the ads
> sub to my system. I
> > used a 3 way powerplate (with the plan of using
> one set for the sub).
> > So in the meantime (9 years, it turns out) I
> doubled the power to the
> > front ads component speakers (80 watts per
> channel).
> I dig the a/d/s automotive subs. Work well in very,
> very small
> enclosures. Great for those of us without trunks
> (Type 89).
> --
> www.mchang.org | www.acmelab.org | decss.zoy.org

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