STILL blowing fuses

moore01 at moore01 at
Fri May 17 14:49:01 EDT 2002

You know there is an instrument that can "look" down a wire and tell you how far down the wire the short is.
> From: sneekerz at
> Date: 2002/05/17 Fri PM 01:29:48 EDT
> To: quattro at
> Subject: RE: STILL blowing fuses
> All: Many thanks for the suggestions, and rather than
> individual replies, let me add: the rad fan does work on
> low speed, a/c on auto fan is on, a/c on econ or off fan
> runs when water temp hits the specific temperature. Rad
> fan motor has no bad feelings (burned bearings or such),
> spins freely, wires don't look melted from excessive
> current. Rear wiper: disconnected; there's a plug by the
> left rear tail-light, big round thing, connects all the
> wires going to the rear hatch (yes, it's an avant), so
> all the wires in the hinge area, which were broken and
> now fixed, are out of the ckt. We also suspected the
> front wiper motor, but when he was unplugged, it still
> blew fuses. The other typical broken wire places (door
> openings and such for power windows) seem to be on
> different fuses.
> New questions: where does the wire bundle run from the
> tail-light plug to the front? Under the door plastic
> protector things? I'll start looking there as well. What
> else runs off that fuse?
> Any thoughts? Aluminum foil to keep the aliens from
> blowing my fuses?
> steve
> '86 5ktqa (not driving it now, I'm outta fuses)
> '86 4kcsq (usually mine, now wife's)
> '85 vw camper being used now...
> kent, wa

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