Cleaning ISV- Best method?

Brett Dikeman brett at
Sun May 19 12:19:50 EDT 2002

At 9:28 AM -0500 5/18/02, Blake Gibb wrote:
>I see lots of mention about cleaning the ISV. What is the best method
>for doing this? A few weeks ago there was a thread about carb cleaner
>being to harsh to clean something, I don't remember what was being

Just did this Friday night when I shut off the car and heard, several
seconds later, the ISV go "cloink!" as the valve unstuck and closed.
Sure enough, gummed up.

I couldn't find the throttle cleaner I had, so I gingerly used some
carb cleaner, holding the business end of the valve lower than the
actuator part.

Shook out all the cleaner, repeated...then let it dry.  After it had
dried, I sprayed a small amount of lube w/teflon in, shook most of
that out, waiting for the carrier to dry, and then reinstalled.

Seems to be working nicely, idle used to bog down and hunt once the
car warmed up...and is smooth now.

Most throttle cleaners contain a lube of some sort perfect for these
widgets and throttles.  Might be worth a quick trip to the auto parts
store to get a can...heck, clean the throttle plate while you're at
it, too :-)

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