quattro digest, Vol 1 #3450 - Wheel Spacers

l.leung at juno.com l.leung at juno.com
Wed May 22 16:56:14 EDT 2002

The stock lug bolt length is fine with 5 mm spacers (BTDT), there actually =
is little torque on the lug bolts due to the hubcentric nature of stock whe=
els and hubs, and due to the hubcentric nature of H&R spacers, the integrit=
y is maintained. Lugs on hubcentric vehicles primarily supply pure compress=
ive force between the hub and wheel, therefore in most instances (i.e. stre=
et conditions, even likely auto-X and time trials, street legal (including =
DOT R) tires) the 4 threads engineering rule would quite likely apply, not =
that I'd ever go for that!


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