4kq door removal

Greg Galinsky nokian at msn.com
Fri May 24 00:43:32 EDT 2002

Just took apart an 86 4KQ the other day.  Used a 3/8" drive ratchet with 2
extensions; one was a 4 to 6" unit with a wobble end with the socket
attached  and behind that extension also had a 10" also with a wobble end.
Prior to removing the hinge bolts I removed the door stop; 2 allen head
bolts from the outside of door.  They are by the door jamb; think it was a
4mm socket.   With those 2 bolts removed by opening and closing the door a
bit was able to twist from inside the door the slide mechanism and rotate it
inward.  Once inward you could open the door and swing the stop out of the

At that point went in there with the socket on about 14" of extensions and
had the four bolts out in 2 min. per door.

Good luck
----- Original Message -----
From: "Brady Moffatt" <bradym at sympatico.ca>
To: "quattro" <quattro at audifans.com>; "Kneale Brownson"
<knotnook at traverse.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2002 9:54 PM
Subject: Re: 4kq door removal

> Hammered away on a pin, didn't budge, then thought better of it. Both cars
> are outside, and I can't leave either open to the elements. The hinge pins
> on the road car are still good too. Don't want to mess them up. I think
> try the 1/2" tomorrow, just as a last resort. Maybe it will somehow fit
> perfectly and leave the head of the ratchet free to move nicely..... I
> Cheers,
> Brady
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Kneale Brownson" <knotnook at traverse.com>
> > --
> > Aaahhhhh, I've been looking at too many Type44 door jambs.  Just went
> > to look at a 4K so I could understand what you're up against.  Can you
> > drive that pin out?   Probably be good to put some Kroil or similar
> > penetrant on the bolts.
> >
> > At 10:13 PM 05/23/2002 -0400, Brady Moffatt wrote:
> >
> > >I have a 1/2" drive too, but I honestly haven't given it a try because
> > >the trouble I've had manoeuvering with the 3/8". It's not that it's
> > >impossible to break loose (I think), but rather that there's no room to
> get
> > >the head of the ratchet out of the door. As it stands now, I spend most
> of
> > >my energy making sure the socket is squarely on the bolt rather than
> > >applying lots of torque. All those tracks and beams don't allow a
> straight
> > >shot at the bolt.
> > >
> > >I didn't mention it explicitly in my initial post, but the hinge bolts
> are
> > >_inside_ the door. Why, oh, why did Audi do this? This smacks of Team
> > >Doorhandle
> > >
> > >It's maddening.
> > >
> > >Cheers,
> > >Brady
> ---
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