Audi praise from GM

Mark Reis mark at
Mon May 27 13:43:31 EDT 2002

Careful about slandering someone for their <ahem> "grammer".

----- Original Message -----
From: "DeWitt Harrison" <Six-Rs at>
To: "Quattro List" <quattro at>
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 6:29 PM
Subject: Audi praise from GM

> I interrupt my usual grumbling about the newer cars to
> let you A4 owners bask in the glory of a quote by
> Gary Cowger, President of General Motors of North
> America to wit "The Audi A4 is probably one of the
> finest executions of interiors." This was in a focus piece
> on interior design in the May 2002 issue of Automotive
> Engineering International, p. 52. The design and interior
> assemblies are supplied by Peguform of Germany.
> Mr. Cowger gets an A for good taste and a C for
> grammer.
> DeWitt Harrison
> 88 5kcstq

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